
All-in-one GNSS monitoring receiver

The Resolute GNSS Receiver is designed to meet the telemetry, power and data logging needs of everyday and far away field deployments. With the additional ability to log external sensors & automatically push the data for server retrieval, the Resolute simplifies the equipment needed. Available with optional Iridium or Cell modems for ease of deployment, data retrieval and remote command and control.

  • L1, L2, L5, All constellations
  • Less than 1.2 Watts Typical
  • Included Iridium RUDICS and SBD
  • Compressed Data Formats
  • -55° C to +60° C
  • 1 x 8 GB and 1 x 4 GB SLC microSD Cards
  • Small 6”x 6”x 3” Form Factor
  • Ethernet Interface
  • Compatible with XeosOnline™ Tunnel