The Xeos Story
Committed to our customers
We design and manufacture telemetry and data collection products for reliable & innovative ways to track, monitor and control moorings, buoys and autonomous vehicles in harsh environments.
Xeos has been designing and manufacturing low power monitoring equipment for remote applications since our beginning in 2004. We have designed many, many products over the years, some of which are highlighted in our history below:
Development of the XMi-2.0. A redesign of the XMI-11K using Apollo hardware.
Development of the XMR-II, a remote two-way monitoring data relay designed for surface applications.
Development of the Hermes, a handheld satellite beacon locator designed to accurately locate Xeos beacons while at sea.
Development of the Brizo-X ocean wave sensor. This new GNSS based sensor accurately calculates the first 5 wave coefficients.
Development of our own Yagi 160Mhz receiver antenna used with the XMB transmitter to aid in mooring recovery. Began the migration of L1 only GPS products to multi constellation GNSS.
Development of the OSKER, low cost, disposable ocean surface tracker.
Design of the Apollo Beacon, a combined LED flasher and Iridium location beacon with an 11,000m depth rating.
Design of the next generation Argos transmitter.
Development of the KILO beacon for 1000m depths (later revised to 2500m).
Design of Radio micro beacon (XMB) and Argos micro beacon (XMA) rated for 7500m depth.
Design of the first micro recovery beacons (LED flashers). Redesign of Sable antenna using Xeos proprietary Iridium/GPS design.
Development of the first surface Iridium mooring beacon (Melo).
Development of the first Sable Iridium Mooring Recovery Beacon for deep deployments (5000m).
Development of the Hammerhead miniaturized Argos-2 PTT transmitter.
First mooring product development and our first utilizing Iridium (Casabel).
Xeos was formed when 3 engineers left a great local engineering company to start an even greater one.