RAM 200

The RAM-200 is a satellite-monitored alarm device designed to notify users of vehicle movements in remote areas. Alarms are generated from sensor triggers connected to the device and sent via satellite transmitter to orbiting Iridium satellites and relayed via email. In conjunction with XeosOnline web service, email alarm notifications can be forwarded quickly to operational personnel in the field via mobile SMS for possible immediate response.
Designed for use with up to four sensors, the RAM-200 device can be configured using the RAM Console software to create unique, user defined alarm events. The device can be powered by either an internal or external battery pack and can operate for extended periods of time before needing battery replacement. The power source supplies power to all sensors as well as the satellite communication unit itself.
- 6.4" W x 6.4"L x 5.2" H
- Iridium 9603 SBD Communications
- Operating temperature of -20°C to +50°C
- 2-way command & control
- Internal or external power source compatibility
- Supports up to 4 sensors
- Customizable alerts and sensors
- Deployment time of up to 1 year